AccuTrace Testing can provide you with nationwide, reliable, state-of-the-art testing at an affordable price. Painless and non-evasive tests are performed at our office or through a network of satellite collection facilities nationwide. Results are usually available within 48 hours. AccuTrace Testing performs many DNA / Paternity Services. Here is list of some of our most used services.
- Trio Paternity – This is a legally binding standard paternity test with mother, child and alleged father each giving a cheek tissue sample. Results are available in 2 to 3 working days from the time the specimen is received at the laboratory.
- Motherless Paternity – This is a legally binding standard paternity test with the child and alleged father giving a cheek tissue sample. Results are available in 2 to 3 working days from the time the specimen is received at the laboratory.
- Paternity (Non-Court) – This test is performed for curiosity reasons only. Usually when a child is over 18 years of age, medical reasons, and/or not involving custody or child support. The accuracy is the same as a legal test however, it may not hold up in court if a dispute arises regarding child support or custody of a child. Results available in 2 to 3 working days after specimen is received at the laboratory. Collection of specimen can be arranged nationwide.
- In-Home Test Kits – This test can be performed in the privacy of your own home for curiosity reasons. The accuracy of the test is the same as a legal test however, it will not hold up in court, as a third party did not collect the specimens. It is used for curiosity purposed only. Results available in 2 to 3 working days after specimen is received at the laboratory. Results will be mailed to your home or address provided after completion.
- Deceased Paternity – This test is typically performed when the alleged father is deceased and there has been an autopsy performed. A blood or tissue sample from the medical examiner’s office needs to be sent to the laboratory. The test will prove paternity of the alleged father to the child being tested. Exhumation of deceased party is possible. Please contact our office for details.
- Grandpaternity – This test proves the paternity of a child when the alleged father is deceased or unavailable by testing both of the alleged father’s parents.
- y-Chromosome – >This test can be performed to prove the paternity of two males within the paternal lineage. The test is done when the alleged father is deceased with no samples available for testing and the alleged grandparents are deceased or unavailable. This test can only be performed within the paternal line of the person in question as males receive their Y-chromosome from their father.
- Mitochondrial – This test is performed to prove the maternity of a person. The test can trace only the maternal side of the family as a child received their mitochondria from their mother. This test is useful when there is only a small sample available for testing and/or in a situation where you need to give a positive ID of a deceased person.
- Siblingship/Twin Zygosity – This test will provide a probability of whether the people being testing are siblings. The test can not give a conclusive answer as samples from both possible parents are needed. The test is stronger if both parties have the same mother that is willing to be tested. The twin Zygosity test is performed to show whether sets of twins are fraternal or identical. The test may be performed on all multiple births.
- Forensic DNA – Forensic testing can be performed for various reasons. This may include a deceased party, rapes, homicides, missing persons, criminal or incest. AccuTrace will examine the circumstances and what is trying to be proved, and help to determine what type of test(s) may be needed. We offer evidence screening, presumptive testing, case consultation, review of the case and assist in providing court support by laboratory professionals. AccuTrace consults with laboratory forensic teams that are seasoned professionals with many years of experience performing forensic casework.
- Semen Detection – The semen detection test subjects stains to testing to prove whether the stain is derived from semen. This is accomplished by performing an acid phosphatase color test. Acid phosphatase is secreted by the prostate gland into seminal fluid. A chemical test can detect the presence of acid phosphatase by producing a color reaction, thus indicating the presence of semen. If a stain indicates the presence of semen, it is then tested for the presence of spermatozoa. Sperm contains the actual DNA. A slide is prepared, and viewed microscopically. If enough spermatazoa is visibly detected, you can then proceed with an Infidelity Test, which is the actual DNA comparison. Learn More.
- Infidelity – The infidelity test compares the DNA present in the sperm from the semen detection sample to a reference/suspect sample. A simple buccal swab sample is all that is required for reference comparison; however, when confidentiality is at issue, non-standard samples can also be tested. Once the reference sample is received, the DNA is extracted from both the semen detection sample and the reference sample. DNA profiles are then obtained and a comparison of the genetic systems is analyzed and interpreted. You will receive a report which either excludes the parties, meaning a non-match; or includes with an inclusion probability. Learn More.
- Animal DNA Testing – State-of-the-art DNA testing for animals.